Massage Therapy

At Vancouver Physiotherapy and Sports Clinic, we offer massage therapy services to help you overcome a wide range of ailments and injuries, from sports injuries, to strains and sprains, repetitive strain injuries and even tension-related stress and pain.

Massage therapy can be used to treat many conditions, from migraines and headaches, to chronic pain and help recovering from an injury or surgical operation. Massage is an essential part of the recovery process coming off an injury or operation; it’s also an extremely effective method for relieving stress, helping your body to overcome muscle pain and preventing minor problems from turning into a more significant issue.

Massage therapy helps to improve blood flow, which promotes healing, all while relaxing muscles and relieving painful spasms.

Pregnant women can benefit greatly from massag therapy as they often experience lots of muscle pains during pregnancy.

Our massage therapists offer treatment sessions Mondays through Fridays, in 30, 45 and 60-minute sessions.

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